What is Light Therapy

What is Light Therapy and How Can It Benefit You?

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy or heliotherapy, is a form of alternative therapy that uses natural or artificial light sources to improve physical and mental health. It is based on the principle that exposure to light can help regulate the body’s biological clock, hormones, mood, and energy levels. Thought to be beneficial for those suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other forms of depression, light therapy has been studied since the 1980s with promising results.

Light therapy works by exposing the patient to a special type of bright white fluorescent light at a specific wavelength. This light simulates sunlight in its ability to stimulate the production of serotonin, which is thought to be responsible for feelings of well-being and happiness. Exposure times vary depending on the condition being treated – usually between 15 minutes to 2 hours per day – but sessions are typically done within an hour each time. Different areas of application include the treatment of sleep disorders, acne, psoriasis, as well as depression.

what is light therapy

What is Light Therapy: 7 Benefits of Using Light as a Healing Tool

Light therapy, or phototherapy, is the use of light for healing purposes. It has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments and has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional medical treatments. While there are still some skeptics, research shows that light therapy can be an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, skin conditions, and more. Here are seven benefits of light therapy that you should know about.

Improved Mood

One of the primary benefits of light therapy is its ability to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Studies have found that exposure to bright light increases serotonin levels in the brain which helps lift moods and reduce feelings of sadness or melancholia. Additionally, it has been shown to improve cognitive functioning, providing relief from fatigue and lack of motivation associated with the seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Better Sleep Quality

Light therapy has also been demonstrated to be effective in treating sleep-related issues such as insomnia and delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS). By simulating natural sunlight exposure during certain parts of the day, light therapy tricks the body into thinking it’s closer to sunrise or sunset than it actually is which helps reset circadian rhythms so that sleep cycles are better regulated. Exposure to bright light during the day can also help make it easier to fall asleep at night by helping the body recognize when it’s time for bed.

Faster Wound Healing

Light therapy can also be used to stimulate accelerated wound healing by increasing blood flow in the affected area and promoting healthy cell growth. Studies have shown that red and infrared wavelengths help promote wound healing while blue wavelengths inhibit bacterial growth which can help prevent infection in cuts or scrapes as they heal faster. This type of therapy has even been used by medical professionals in burn units with great success.

Relief from Pain

Light therapy can also be used successfully for pain management such as headaches and muscle aches due to its ability to reduce inflammation in the affected area while simultaneously improving circulation and oxygen delivery which speed up the recovery time from injury or strain on muscles or ligaments. While this isn’t typically considered a long-term solution for chronic pain management, many people have found relief from acute pains through regular treatments with light therapy devices specifically designed for this purpose like light pads or handheld lasers.

Clearer Skin

Light therapy is becoming increasingly popular among those seeking solutions for problematic skin conditions like acne or psoriasis due to its anti-inflammatory properties coupled with its ability to kill bacteria that lead to breakouts while simultaneously stimulating collagen production at a cellular level which prevents signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. Light therapies are available at dermatologist offices but there are also several devices available commercially which allow users to perform treatments at home.

Reduced Stress Levels

In addition, another benefit associated with light Therapy is decreased stress levels due to its positive impact on hormones like cortisol which regulate stress responses as well as serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and melatonin all involved In regulating moods and emotions. Regular exposure To bright lights especially during times Of prolonged stress Can help restore balance physically, emotionally, and mentally so you feel better About life overall.

Enhanced Energy Levels

Last but not the least, one of the best benefits of light therapy is to increase energy levels throughout the day by stimulating cells in the body that produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate)- the body’s primary source of energy for all its normal functions, and boosting metabolism which helps convert food to fuel so you feel more energized all day long without caffeine or other sugary drinks.

What is Light Therapy: 7 Factors to Consider When You Buy

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, has been a popular form of alternative medicine for decades. It involves exposing the body to specific wavelengths of light, usually in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum, to produce a therapeutic effect. This can help with a wide range of health issues such as skin conditions, arthritis pain relief, depression, and stress reduction. But before you invest in a light therapy device, there are several factors you should consider to determine if it is the right choice for you.

The Health Benefits of Light Therapy

Light therapy has both short-term and long-term health benefits depending on what type of light is used and how it is administered. UV exposure stimulates the production of Vitamin D which helps boost immunity against certain diseases like cancer and infections caused by bacteria and viruses. It can also improve mood, reduce anxiety, and alleviate symptoms associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Additionally, regular exposure to specific types of UV light can help clear up acne, psoriasis, and other skin conditions.

Types of Light Therapy Devices

There are two main types of light therapy devices; broad spectrum lights that emit white visible light and those that specifically give off UV radiation. Full-spectrum lights are often used to treat SAD because they provide exposure to all visible colors in sunlight including reds and blues which have calming effects on the mind. These devices are usually set up in bedrooms or living areas so they can be used during waking hours throughout the day. On the other hand, UV lights need only be exposed for short periods at specific times during the day because they are much more intense than natural sunlight and could cause sunburn or worse if used improperly.

Duration & Frequency of Use

Most experts recommend starting out with shorter sessions at lower intensity levels when using either type of device for light therapy purposes. The optimal duration depends on your individual needs but typically ranges from 20 minutes up to an hour per session for full-spectrum lights while UV exposure should be limited to 15 minutes or less per session depending on your sensitivity level. The frequency at which you should use your device will also vary from person to person but most people find 20-30 minutes daily over a few weeks gives them the best results.

Safety Considerations

When using any type of artificial lighting device for health purposes it’s important that you take safety precautions seriously by following manufacturer instructions carefully as well as taking steps such as wearing protective eyewear when necessary or cutting back on exposure time if you experience any irritating side effects like redness or itching. Also, keep in mind that some medications may make you more sensitive to bright lights so talk to your doctor before beginning any type of treatment regimen involving light therapy devices just to be safe.

Cost & Quality

The cost varies greatly depending on the type and quality level you choose but budget-friendly products ranging from $50-$250 do exist although their effectiveness may vary considerably compared with more expensive models which tend to offer higher quality components such as better lenses or higher wattage bulbs. So it’s important that you compare several different options before investing in a particular device so can ensure you’re getting something that will provide long-lasting value no matter what your budget constraints may be.

Ease & Portability

When choosing a light therapy device one major factor many people overlook is ease and portability since some models require complex setup processes while others come ready out-of-the-box requiring only minimal assembly or none at all making them ideal for those who want something fast and easy setup process without having worry about complicated instructions or parts compatibility issues down the road if repairs become necessary. Additionally, since many models come in small sizes with optional carrying cases, they are great for those who want something convenient enough to go along just about anywhere.


Light therapy has many potential benefits ranging from improved mental wellness, assistance with chronic pain relief, treating skin conditions, boosting immune system function, and helping regulate sleep cycles among many others. If done properly under a safe controlled environment it can be an incredibly effective tool for managing a number of various medical conditions. With this article, we have outlined 7 key factors considered when selecting devices that fit your needs best regardless of the budget range looking work within.

All You Need to Know About Light Therapy

What is light therapy?

Light therapy is a type of treatment that uses natural or artificial light to help people improve their physical and mental health. This can include exposure to sunlight, fluorescent lights, laser treatments, and other sources of light. Light therapy has been used for centuries to treat various medical conditions, from treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to helping people with depression and anxiety.

How does light therapy work?

Light therapy works by targeting specific areas in the brain responsible for controlling mood and behavior. The amount of light used during the treatment depends on the individual’s particular needs, but generally speaking, it helps to increase serotonin levels in the brain – a neurotransmitter that regulates mood – while decreasing melatonin levels, which are responsible for feelings of sleepiness and depression. By manipulating these chemicals in the brain through light therapy, it’s possible to experience positive effects on mood and behavior without needing any medications.

What are some common conditions treated with light therapy?

Many different types of conditions can be treated using light therapy, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, stress-related disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, ADHD/ADD, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), circadian rhythm disorders (affecting one’s internal clock), premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and perimenopause symptoms among many others.

Are there any side effects associated with light therapy?

There are no serious side effects associated with light therapy; most people only experience mild headaches or nausea after a session due to the intensity of the lights used during treatment sessions. In rare cases though more severe reactions such as seizures have been reported so it’s important to always consult with a doctor before attempting any kind of self-administered light therapy at home without supervision or guidance from a professional healthcare provider first!

Who could benefit from using light therapy?

Just about anyone looking to improve their overall physical or mental health could potentially benefit from using light therapy! Some common groups who might consider using this form of treatment include individuals with SAD or other seasonal affective disorders; those dealing with chronic sleep issues such as insomnia; people experiencing signs of depression or anxiety; those having difficulty focusing due to ADHD/ADD; patients suffering from hormonal imbalances due to menopause or premenstrual syndrome; those whose body clocks have been thrown off due to jet lag; individuals suffering from PTSD and/or other forms of trauma-related stress as well as athletes looking for an edge over their competition by utilizing this powerful form of healing energy!

How long does it take for someone to see results when using light therapy?

It can take anywhere from 1-4 weeks depending on how frequently you’re receiving treatment and your individual body chemistry for someone who’s utilizing this technique regularly – although some experience relief within days! Generally speaking, though you will start noticing positive changes in mood & energy levels fairly quickly while longer-term changes related to actual physiological healing may take longer before they become noticeable or measurable keep in mind that everyone is different so results may vary greatly depending on one’s constitution & overall health/wellness goals being addressed during their course of treatment!

Is there anything else I should know about using light therapy?

You should always consult a qualified healthcare professional before beginning any kind of self-administered at-home treatments– particularly if you suffer from any kind of underlying medical condition like epilepsy since intense flashes & strobes could potentially trigger an episode! Additionally, if you plan on being exposed directly outside via outdoor activities remember that even though non-UV rays won’t damage your skin too much-prolonged exposure over time may still result in sunburn which isn’t something you want happening unintentionally so wearing proper sunscreen when outdoors is also highly recommended!